

某某人有女友但是又很愛去別的女生FACEBOOK留言 OR 展開MSN攻勢
某某人已經有男友了但是老是絕口不提 (裝單身)

所以 我是想法太守舊嗎?


Does this really give them some sense of happiness?
Maybe to appear extremely popular or adored?
Or, does it simply mean: emptiness?

Or, simply emptiness in them causes those kinds of behaviors?

Wise men once said that:
"Everyone in life, tries their best to search for the one and only ultimate goal: their TRUE LOVE"

Doesn't simply TRUE LOVE bring happiness and fulfillment in you?
Or does being (or appearing...) extrememly popular or adored bring more joy in you?
This is one difficult question. And probably difficult for most young adults today.

How do people know that the one they're with is INDEED their true love?
Is there a risk where you think he/she "might" be your true love when in reality he/she really just isn't?

How do you know?
If you don't know, or can't be sure, how do you devote yourself completely to your partner?
If you don't devote whole-heartedly to your partner, how can you even call it "true love"?
The possibility of finding true love is so close to ZERO%, especially in today's young adult society.
No trust ==> dead-end relationship.

Faith, then plays a very fundamental role in your relationship.
However, give out faith, while staying alert like a snake.

Trust your partner, but always be prepared for "any striking outcome" and strike back while you can.

That's my thought for the day~ Anyway. :P


    黛安娜v.s小路克 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()